Monday 31 May 2010


"Be the change that you want to see in the world" - Gandhi.

I've been doing a lot of thnking about my purpose in life recently... just why am I here? And this seems to be the answer.

I find the world to be an astonishingly beautiful place. Despite all of the things which mankind does to itself, there are so many beautiful things in the world... flowers, trees, clouds, birds, mountains. Look and count how many flowers you can find in a single day, even in the city, and take a moment to reflect just how beautiful they are.

Silent Wishes

I listen to the silence
Of the magic world
Deeper and deeper
Into the core of my being
When you wish
With all your heart
I feel your presence
In my soul

(copyright Stephen Peto)

I wish you all a peaceful and beautiful day.

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